The Satanic Housewife

Evelyn Breedlove, also known as The Satanic Housewife is currently getting sued by The Satanic Temple for defamation, because of some unfavourable things she said about the organisation in a two-minute TikTok video. I have already talked about TST’s Complaint and why I think it’s frivolous here. Recently, I had the chance to talk withContinue reading “The Satanic Housewife”

The Freedom To Offend

The Satanic Temple (TST) is moving forward with a defamation lawsuit against a former member who dared to criticise them in a two minute TikTok video. As I have already talked about here, Evelyn Breedlove, also known as The Satanic Housewife expressed some less than favourable views about The Satanic Temple in this TikTok video.Continue reading “The Freedom To Offend”

The Struggle For Justice

When we’re talking about modern Satanism, it’s almost unavoidable to also talk about The Satanic Temple (TST), since it’s arguably the largest Satanic organization in the world. And there’s one thing in regards to The Satanic Temple that I wanted to talk about for quite some time now: The Temple’s lawsuit against four former members.Continue reading “The Struggle For Justice”